I always wanted to be the hero.
I always wanted to be the hero.
The activist that gets arrested crossing the protest line.
The environmentalist chained to a bulldozer to protect a tree.
The aid worker building a well to bring water to a village.
But that’s not me.
When I worked for Greenpeace one summer in college, I imagined I would be the one hanging banners from bridges or climbing buildings to raise the flag of injustice.
Instead, I went door-to-door asking people to sign a petition and donate money.
And I was good at it. Amazing, actually.
I could talk to anyone about anything. Hold my own in a heated discussion. Make my point and listen with respect.
But each evening, as we unloaded our materials and turned in our forms, I would hold onto my disappointment that, today, I was not a hero that changed the world.
My boss was baffled at my attitude. He would praise me for getting the most signatures. Hold me up as a model for how to connect with people and communicate our message. Award me with certificates for outstanding leadership.
But it wasn’t enough.
I wanted to be the person saving the animals. The brave soul standing in harm’s way. The woman sacrificing her own comfort for others.
It wasn’t good enough for me to support their work. To help them live their purpose. To expose their message to a larger audience.
I wanted to be the hero.
And when I realized that wasn’t my role in life, I was devastated.
When I was told over and over again - by personality tests and spiritual guides - that I am a storyteller, problem solver, dot connector, community builder, and nurturer, I resisted.
Big time.
I don’t want to be a sidekick. I want to be important. Recognized. Remembered. Revered.
Hello, ego!!
The more I work with clients that inspire me, clients that are doing things that save lives and make a difference in the world, I can see the power of my role, my purpose.
I help people find their voice and confidence in business so they can create real change in the world.
A voice powerful enough to spark a revolution.
Confidence enough to lead a movement.
Change that can only come from burning it down and rebirthing in
Now I see my role as something completely different.
As the creator, supporter, cheerleader, mentor, leader of heroes.