Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
You have something to say.
Something important.
A message burning deep inside, put there by the Universe for this very moment.
You can feel the urgency to release it.
But then...
Your throat tightens.
Your mind empties.
Your fingers freeze.
And nothing.
Or worse. It sounds like everything else out there.
You’ve always been yourself. Always been unique. Always stood out from the pack. Always edgy. Always unapologetically you.
But online. And in your marketing. That’s a different game.
Message Revolution is a six week messaging/storytelling class and writing circle for women who have something to say and the courage to say it.
We will come together to say what needs to be said.
We will anchor in sisterhood as we experience what happens when powerful women take a stand for what we believe.
We will have the audacity to be seen and heard.
We will tell our soul's truth.
We will disrupt the conversation. Break the paradigm. Create a new reality. With our words. With our voices.
We will pool together our courage so everyone has enough to face the challenge of being witnessed in times of uncertainty and upheaval.
We will do so in a safe container of compassion, community, creativity, and connection.
“Message Revolution really helped me align my brand and message. Now I know exactly how to show up to attract my ideal clients!”
The world needs you and all powerful women to grab hands and rise up together so we may begin the transition from a patriarchal society to one of compassion, equality, peace, justice, connection, empathy, love, health, light, and life.
And you are a messenger - the messenger - to ignite this flame so the world can save itself from itself.
It’s what is already inside of you.
Waiting to be released.
Take a risk and speak your soul’s truth.
Use your voice. Honor your message. Stand in your power.
Own your space.
Now is the time to get out of your comfort zone and take a risk.
Take a risk on yourself.
Take a risk on your gifts.
Take a risk on your talents.
Take a risk on your purpose.
Take a risk on your soul’s truth.
Which isn’t much of a risk because you know, and I know, now is the time.
“I loved everything about this course. You explain archetypes so beautifully and how they can help you target and engage clients. I love how you broke things down into steps which helped un-layer exactly who I wanted to speak to (I didn’t even know at the time). ”
Six (6) weekly training modules
Week 1: Using the Hero's Journey to Connect With Clients
Week 2: Incorporating Archetypes Into Your Messaging
Week 3: Developing Your Message Roadmap
Week 4: Uncovering Your Client's Transformational Journey
Week 5: Creating a Content Strategy that Moves Your Audience to Action
Week 6: Designing Your Content Crank that Increases Your Visibility and Inspires Your Tribe
Two (2) bonus trainings: Framing Your Message for Optimal Persuasion and Tools & Resources for Writing with Ease
Six (6) weekly group coaching calls via Zoom - part training, part writing critique, part mindset (because this work ain't easy)
Six (6) weekly "Write It Now" group sessions where we spend one hour focused on one project
Daily writing prompts inside the secret Facebook Group
Copy critique and feedback
Support of bold women stepping into the spotlight in order to be seen, be heard, and be disruptive
Easily write content that inspires others to take action.
Authentically communicate your message with your ideal audience.
Consistently share your story in a way that showcases your passion and purpose.
Stand out from the crowd and own your space as a powerful leader.
Be heard in away that sparks conversations, shifts perceptions, and raises awareness for issues and causes you support.
Create a content plan that empowers your creativity and frees your spirit, without leaving it all to chance (consistency + structure + systems).
Utilize basic storytelling tools and brand archetypes into your writing style.
Find your voice and your confidence to be seen in a new way that may feel impossible right now.
Have concrete templates, tools, structures, systems, and cranks to help you show up every single day.
You like to write and are open to sharing your work.
You know your shit and can stand behind the work you do.
You want to be understood and respected. Seen and heard. Honored and witnessed.
You have important work to do and you are being called to bring it to life.
You are ready to put yourself out there in a big way.
You are open to being vulnerable and willing to release being judged.
You are committed to showing up fully for every call, completing the writing assignments, and offering feedback and support in the group.
You can leave your ego at the door and instead listen to what your soul is wanting to bring forth.
You are a HELL YES. And only a hell yes.
You don't like to write.
You don't want to be vulnerable.
You are looking for a formula or template to use to create copy.
You want someone else to write your content for you.
You aren't willing to be bold or audacious.
You want to play it safe.
You are too busy to write every single day.
You aren't willing to be critiqued.
You don't want to be in a supportive group setting.
Ready to start your revolution?
Be one of the first five (5) people to enroll in this round of Message Revolution and get a private, one-on-one Soul Story Messaging session where we will dive into your brand archetype, Hero's Journey, Client Transformational Journey to develop a content strategy that is customized to your goals and desires. You'll receive a personalized Soul Story Messaging Report to keep you on track and help shape your messaging across all areas of your business.
Have trouble getting started on your next blog post? Tired of staring at a blank screen when you sit down to write your sales page? Ready to write but the inspiration doesn't come? I've been there, and it is no fun at all to deal with writer's block, especially when you are on a deadline. That's why I've put together my best tips and strategies for creating content with ease. Simple practices and rituals you can do to get into creative flow so you never have to struggle with what to say or how to say it.
Have no idea how to talk about yourself. Does your About page capture your mission and magic? When people hear your story, to they immediately want to work with you and/or become your biggest fan? That is the power of your Origin Story. This is the best way to deeply connect with your ideal clients, authentically express your soul truth, and clearly share your bold message. This is a 90-minute Masterclass training with downloadable worksheets that you can download and work through the process at your own pace.
The words we use can determine whether someone feels seen and heard or discounted and invisible. Impact is more important than intent and words hold tremendous power. We want to be respectful and act as true allies to those of marginalized communities, but sometimes we don't know how to say something or what we used before is no longer the acceptable preferred language. This reference guide provides an outline of people-first languaging that expresses the compassion, respect, inclusion, and acceptance that every human being deserves while being more accurate and building trust with our audience.
Have any questions about the program or trouble enrolling?
Please shoot me (Kristina) an email at authenticbuzz (at) and I'll be happy to help.