Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Here is a description of your company. Proin ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
My brand new membership training program to learn how to add more money, mastery, and meaning to your business so you can create real change in the world.
This is for emerging leaders and change agents who want to make money and make a difference.
We're going to cover all of my favorite topics - marketing, messaging, storytelling, copywriting, content marketing, public relations, and so much more.
Best of all, this will be a tribe of change makers, innovators, light workers, truth tellers, dream makers, fire starters, elected officials, community organizers, and social entrepreneurs who can come together to support each other and the causes we hold so dear to our hearts.
Almost three years since I heard James Altucher say that everything he does during his day is designed to bring money, mastery, or meaning to his life.
It stopped me cold.
James had adopted that concept from Adam Braun, founder of Pencils of Promise and CEO of MissionU and one of my favorite social entrepreneurs. I literally haven't stopped thinking about it since the moment I heard it.
Don't get me wrong, money is wonderful. But for those emerging leaders and elected officials, social and political activists, change agents, fire starters, truth igniters, passion-driven purpose-aligned entrepreneurs, it has to be about more than dollar signs.
I have this deep burning desire to bring together a community of change makers; people who are committed to sharing their WHY and bring it into the world in a way that creates massive impact on a global scale.
Honestly, I never thought I could do it. Why me? Who am I to lead this group of powerful visionaries?
It's literally encoded in my DNA. Written in my stars. Blazed on my heart. Centered in my soul.
And I'm guessing if you found your way here, you are looking for something more than just another membership program, training course, or online community.
We think differently. We care deeply about the world, those in need, in pain, in danger. Our hearts ache at the thought of what is happening around the world to our brothers and sisters.
Our soul cries for those starving to death while we waste millions of pounds of edible food each day. Our empathic abilities can't seem to stop feeling the cry of those around us and in every corner of the planet.
We hear Mother Nature weep. We feel our oceans fight. We see - with eyes wide open - the fear that disconnection brings to our fellow humans.
We have tried to go about our days, growing our businesses like we are taught. Believing that once we make it to 6 or 7 figures, we can give back. That once we have it all figured out, then we can create change in our business and in the world.
Here's the thing.
You can. AND YOU MUST.
Right now, the world is waiting for you to STEP UP AND FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. To put your heart on the line and listen to your soul's truth. To do what you ARE MEANT TO DO IN THIS LIFE.
What you are meant to do is live at the edge of what you think is possible.
To empty your bravery tank by showing up in ways you can't even imagine.
To take a stand so strong that you wonder what is was ever like to keep quiet.
To speak out so loud and so often that no one can deny you of being heard.
To transform into the person you know you are.
But we can't do it from a place of lack and scarcity.
We can't effect change alone.
We can't take on the world's problems when we are worried about paying our rent
That's exactly what you'll learn in the Money Mastery Meaning Mastermind.
Are you ready?
I know you have a ton of choices out there to spend your money on, and if you've read this far, I am guessing you are a least a tad interested in joining the Money Mastery Meaning Mastermind.
Here is my promise to you...
I will always give you more than you need to succeed, always be available to cheer you on, show up fully when I say I will - prepared and present, create a safe space to grow into the visionary leader I already see you as, and be open to suggestions, feedback, and partnerships.
Are you ready to join me on this journey?
(Psssttt ... still on the fence? For a limited time, I am offering a free 14-day trial period
AND you get to keep the bonuses whether you decide to stay or go.)
But wait, there's more. You get a bonus, and you get a bonus, and you get a bonus.
Go from unclear and stuck to confident, productive, and profitable with this 5-part system: 1) How to create an unbreakable schedule your clients will respect and you will honor; 2) What systems and support you must have in place to feel expansive and free; 3) What to focus on and when so you can grow your business faster (hint: it's not what you do but what you don't do that is the key); 4) The 3 things you must do every morning if you want to finally have more ease in your business; 5) How to stay in love with your business and your clients with this one simple action.
Take a fresh look at your launch and discover how you can bring a new way of being to the process. No more trying to fit your square peg in the industry's round hole. You get to create a launch that fits your style, personality, desires, and resources. In this 3-part training, we cover how to get clear on what you are selling and why, map out your customer journey, and create your launch story. There is also a bonus video training on planning your Aligned Launch.
Ever wonder what to say or how to say it? Or just how to write content that moves your audience to action? Or maybe even what to post on Facebook that will spark a conversation? In this in-depth Masterclass, we will dive into your soul story and create a strategy around how to share your heart with the world in a way that attracts your ideal clients and drives your message forward. You'll receive a free seat in the class set for Wednesday, October 11th.
I believe in the power of connection, compassion, creativity, and community and my approach to growing a business is based in these core values. I believe you can make money and make a difference. In fact, that is the only way you can truly change the world.
I have been telling stories that move people to take action for more than 10 years - first as a nonprofit fundraising director, then a grant writer, and now as a disruptive copywriter and soul story messaging coach.
I am committed to raising an Army of Storytellers who use the power of story to change minds and open hearts. I am committed to raising an Army of Storytellers who use the power of story to change minds and open hearts. Want to know more about who I am and what I believe? Visit my About page for a peek inside my heart.