All in Finding Your Voice

Release your inner rebel

I’ve never been a rebel. Well, except that one year in college when I worked at the school radio station and spent weekends dressed like a confused goth/grunge rocker - Doc Martens, black eyeliner, big hair, bleached jeans, the works.

But mostly, I’ve spent my life not rocking the boat. Not drawing attention to myself. Staying in the background.

Releasing me

There is a siren, fire starter, eternal flame, wild woman buried within. I've seen only glimpses of her over the past 40 years.

She is fierce, bold, unrelenting, unpredictable.

But have no worries. You are safe from her defiance. She is locked up nice and tight. No way she will ever be able to break free of the chains keeping her hidden from the world.

Until she finds the courage to speak out. To be heard. To face the fear of being seen for who she truly is. Who she always was. Who she shall always be.